In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Welcome to SoDak!

After a very long and windy drive we arrived in Yankton, SD in the wee hours of the Saturday morning. Ok so 1am may not be considered wee by some but it was by our standards. 

I've learned a lot about traveling by RV in the past day, the most important is wind is your enemy. Unpacking is only fun if you aren't in a hurry and walking while moving makes for lots of bruising.  (Sometimes you just need to move around)

Our first night we parked the beast at Lewis & Clark recreation area in SD. We woke up to an beautiful mist covered lake surrounded by green trees, flowering shrubs and grasses everywhere. Simply beautiful. I took lots of pictures with my new camera to post later but here are a few I took with my phone to share. 
Kira with her Teddy Bear Pancake.  

Kira's new favorite phrase "are we there yet?" 

Having a great time!  Love to all!

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