In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Crazy times

Anyone who has spent a few days in a RV gets a little crazy. Add a toddler and two dogs into the mix and it gets pretty nuts. In the best way possible. Kira has been so much fun asking millions of questions, playing games, working on puzzles and lots of time just being silly. She loves stories and I have made lots up along the way. We have also picked up books at the places we stopped.

Mount Rushmore was much better than anticipated. I had been before but Al wanted to go for the first time. It really is an amazing sight to behold and as Americans we should be proud to have such a work of art. Even Kira was impressed. We were delightfully surprised by a group of youngsters from a St. Mary's School, as they performed "America the Beautiful" On hand chimes.

Hand Chime Video

Not a sound was heard as they played except the wind and those beautiful chimes. That was crazy lucky. 

We made an unplanned stop at "Walls Drug Store".  Now that place is crazy!  A it is like a drug store on drugs. I just can't think of any other way to describe it.

We spent the night in Custer state park. It is a massive state park where I am sure one could spend an entire vacation at. However we were there for just one night in a nice little camp spot nest to a duck pond. The park is full of wildlife and during our shirt visit we even caught a glimpse of Buffalo and lots of Antelope and Deer. 

The last morning of our days of fun finds us at Mt. Crazy Horse. It is a work in progress and a sight to behold. They are doing an amazing carving out of the mountain and let you take rocks from the carving home. No way I am missing out on that!  I am looking forward to following the progress on this monument. Google Mt Crazy Horse to learn more about it. 

Now we are on our way home. I am sad this trip is nearing the end. We learned a lot about RVing which I will summarize in the near future. Most of all we had the opportunity to vacation with family. Bucket list item. Check.

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