In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Twist Cone

Aberdeen, South Dakota.  This smallish town was our destination for the day because that is where the infamous fast food place called "The Twist Cone"  I was sure with a name like that we could get an ice cream cone that was actually twisted.

We drove from Sioux Falls at the bottom of the state to Aberdeen about 3 hours driving (RV with toddler time) to get our twist cone. This place is just as cute as can be with a big neon cone on top.  With all the confidence of a self named twist cone connoisseur I stepped up and placed our order.  Kira had the strawberry butter/vanilla twist, I had the classic Chocolate/Vanilla twist and Al had the same twist.  Here
 is a picture of Kira's cute little cone:

There is no argument that this little cone is adorable, but twisted? No, not at all.  The Twist Cone, fails to live up to it's name.  I did not get a chance to take a picture of my cone nor Al's because the blobs that they were, they were quickly melting and we had lots of licking to do.  It wasn't even warm out, the ice cream is just very very soft. It does have a really good flavor I have to say.

We departed Aberdeen with light hearts because we are on a great adventure.  Our next stop will be in Oahe State Park.  Yet another wonderful camp site with a beach side view.  We arrived late in the afternoon with plenty of time to take the dogs for a nice long walk, take a walk along the swim beach and Grampa took Kira to the playground.  Tomorrow is a big day.  We are going to go fishing for Walleye.  I have never caught a Walleye and I hope to while I am here.  If not, I know I will enjoy the task regardless.

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