In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I saw the cutest Tshirt on the internet. It said "Where Chickens are Outlawed, only Outlaws will have Chickens".  I guess that doesn't sound very cute, but it was.  It speaks to me because at this point I find the issue of having to fight for the right to have 8 hens on my 5 acre property so completely ridiculous, I find myself more and more thinking like an outlaw. It is so very tempting to skip all the BS and just get my chickens.  I have joined blogs, liked facebook pages, read books, talked to folks who own chickens, I even won a sticker for my car that says "I ♥ my backyard chickens".  Now, if only I had some.

I sent a copy of the ballot to the president of the HOA this week along with the plan the committee came up with for a PO box for the ballots.  The idea was formed to eliminate any tampering of the ballots by either side.  Side, meaning the HOA board or the Chicken Committee.  The PO box will be rented, ballots will be mailed, no keys to the box will be distributed until the ballots are picked up 3 days after the voting ends.  The ballots are to be picked up by one member of each committee and counted together.

Last night I received a one line message stating the board is meeting on Thursday at 6pm, you can present your information for approval at that time. Ok, so now I have to do a formal presentation.  Fine.  Done. I will show up at their meeting as they hash this apart.  I will fight to keep this mailing simple.  No delays.  No BS.  Just get it done.  Get it done fairly.

On the bright side, I have found the most adorable chickens.  Have you checked out a bantam Cochin Frizzle (pic above - from The Chicken Chick)? How about the adorable Silkie (below)?  

To sum things up.  On Thursday I present the "information" to the Board.  Either way, the mailing is sent on Friday voting ends on September 28th.  So by the first week in Oct we'll have our answer.  If it passes and is sanctioned by the board we'll have our change.  If not we'll have to register the change with the Courts.  If it doesn't pass.  I shall be an Outlaw.

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