In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hold on there Partner....

In a surprise ending the board sanctioned the mailing process for the vote to change our covenant to allow Chickens.  We were "invited" to the board meeting to "present our information" last night. We did so with the intent to come to an agreement without delaying this process.  Turns out a gentlemen who was there for something completely different came up with a solution to a problem that was keeping one of the board members from even entertaining the idea of sanctioning our mailing.  However in the end, with a simple change we successfully worked out a process that worked for all of us.  I like that.

Today I am doing some reprinting, stuffing, labeling and will make the trip to the post office.  It is a very happy day for me.  I am so excited to turn this blog into a place to update the antics of my hens with pictures, share advice of things I have learned as well as others.  Of course this will all depend on our residents and how the votes come in - I am very optimistic! Voting ends 9/28/12 - Next up.


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