In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Preparing for the meeting

I have two dynamic speakers coming to the meeting which I am very excited about.  I however am not a dynamic speaker by any means.  The only thing I have got going for me is my passion to have this covenant changed and my love for chickens!  I plan to have a great meeting regardless of the number attending.  I will write my introduction spiel, have samples of my proposal available, current covenant regarding poultry,  information on the county zoning regulations.  I will also have a write on flip chart with bullet pointed informative quips on chickens.  Possibly pages hung around the room.  Light refreshments will be served.  I am thinking of having a sign indicating "Opinions welcome, Respect demanded". What do you think?  I need to be prepared for those opposed.  Coop questions will need to be addressed as well as Predators.  Chicken Predators that is.    We will need to discuss placement of coops, built in accordance to architectural committee guidelines.  Notes will need to be taken and distributed.  I have one volunteer to help (not including my husband).  I'll ask her to take notes.  I will also put a jar up for donations as I have already spent around $200.  I won't expect much but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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