In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Campaign and the final countdown BGAWK!

Our HOA meeting is this Saturday July 28th.  This is our Summer meeting where they put on a Barb-B-Que to entice the homeowners to attend.  We are hoping for a stellar turn out for this meeting.  Al and I have been campaigning for the past few weeks by posting our sign "Vote yes for Chickens" at the community mail house and accepting Proxies for the meeting.  It has been great to meet our neighbors and talk so positively about having Chickens in our community.  A few have been HOA bashers, but for the most part they just want the ability to live a nice country life style with a few hens.  Some, in fact many don't want to have their own Chickens, they do want the community to have the ability to.

The past "Chicken Wars" has come up frequently and it is clear there are still open wounds, however most of them are healing as so much time has past. A common complaint we did hear was that the current board is too rigid, won't listen to the community and will entertain changes but in the end will make their own mind up.  I certainly hope this is not the case.

When we moved into Pawnee Hills I had no notion to have Chickens.  However as I see the counties, cities and HOA's change their covenants and ordinances to allow for poultry in the backyards it just makes sense to me for us out here in the country to be able to have a few hens to raise.  Fresh eggs, in this economy or any economy makes sense.  Gardening is second nature to me and this will be the next level of providing fresh food for my family.  I've done the research, I've presented the research to those in the community who were open to it.

There are a couple of scenarios that could happen at the meeting.  Al and I alone do not have enough proxies to pass the vote.  The best scenario is that others in the community have also collected proxies and those along with all that attend the meeting and vote yes, a quorum is met and the proposed change passes.  Oh my that is just such a nice dream.

Another scenario is that a quorum is met, however not enough yes votes for the change to pass.

The third scenario is that a quorum is not met - meaning enough people show up for the meeting, I think this number is around 53, meeting adjourned.  I'll carry the proposed change to the December meeting.

Regardless of how many attend the meeting I imagine discussion around this issue will take place.  Who is to know if those against the change will show up or not.  If they do will they voice their issues?  The only indication we have gotten that there are some against this change is by words written on my postings in the mail house.  "No Damn Chickens" was one.  When Al and I were campaigning for proxies, some residents went out of their way not to look at us, to completely ignore us.  That baffles me.  You may not agree with me, but I am your neighbor and I am waving at you.  Can't you still be friendly?  I hope we can have good discussion without anger at the meeting.  Perhaps a change on the board would be good.  Perhaps they are tired an would like a rest?  We have new residents who have expressed an interest in serving.  Lets discuss it.

Most of all.  Let's open our minds and try something new.  If your neighbor has chickens it is not going to change your life and if it does, talk to your neighbor and have them make some changes!  Let's make Pawnee Hills the place people want to live at.  Not the place people hear about because of the Chicken Wars!  

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