In Reality

A work in progress...surely you will see lots about chickens but the story expands quickly :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Result BAGAWWKK!

The Results of the final count on  were 75 yes, 21 no.  Out of 167 residences, only 96 bothered to return their ballots.  So once again the effort to change the covenant failed.  Even though of those that voted, clearly the majority are in favor of changing the covenant.  In my opinion, the rest of the residents are "chicken".  They clearly won't take a stand either way.  Now those numbers have changed by late ballots coming in and the number of yes votes continues to climb.

One of the supporters posted a sign in the mail house speaking to the frustration of the "Apathy" in the community and how we are now ruled by it.  If we do not vote for a president one will still be elected by the majority.  Not so in an HOA.

Why fight an HOA?  I am really not against an HOA if they are reasonable.  However, I have found this one to be ruled so tightly due to the fact that they have been to Court that they can't see past that.  Not everything ends up in Court, but now that something has, they are so afraid everything will that they are scared to death to make any change at all.  I simply want to expand our self sufficiency skills by supplementing our small garden with a small flock of hens.  Many cities do this now, however we can't get a community of 5 acre lots to get this done.  It is so infuriating.

Luckily I have some great neighbors that are still willing to find a way to change this.  So we will continue to work at this.

We need help!